Sunday 24 June 2012

Last Post from Mike

 Mike S says...

Well, managed to sneak in another  five hour 5.2 fish session at Roosevelt today but  hit the wall driving when I got to Sandpoint...  longer drive tomorrow. Ross and Andreas showed up at the beach but decided to just keep going .

Fantastic trip - sailed all but one day and got in two bike rides plus a round of golf ... alas the kites never got out of the bag but they did their job as a wind guarantee.  If I don’t bring them it will almost certainly be perfect kiting wind (light ) all week...

Mike S

Blaine says...

Sounds like a convert back to the great sport of windsurfing, way to go Mike! We all knew the dark side could not keep you.
Another great trip! Looking forward to Sept. Thanks Ted for the blog, the girls loved it at home.
Hope everyone had a safe journey home, we arrived in Edmonton around 3:00, drive home was uneventful (all wheels intact) just a little wet!
See yea on the water!

Blaine M

Mike P Says....

My GF said I had to take my Forty-Ten T-shirt off!  I don't get it. What the heck???  It's only been a little over a week and I've been using deodorant...  BTW - I told her it's really Forty minus Ten but she didn't buy it.
As always good to see you guys!  Thanks for the T-shirt and laughs.
PS: Jimmy S. seemed to be going faster than his usual super-sonic self - must be his new orange-crush jacket!

Saturday 23 June 2012

2012-06-23 Home Safe

I couldn't resist one last blog update.  I got home today at about 4:30.  The weather was warm and my son Spencer was out in our boat with some friends.  I joined them for some Wakesurfing...
Great end to a wonderful holiday.
Hope everyone else has a safe journey home.
Louise in one of her favourite places - the boat!!
Spencer - Wakesurfing
Ted - not enough wind -  but still surfing!!!

Friday 22 June 2012

2012-06-22 Heading Home

It is always a sad day when it's time to leave.

Harold W, left on Tuesday, Big Jim on Thursday, and now the majority will be leaving today after sailing.  I believe Handre, Lazelle, Gerry, Blaine, Andreas and Ross will be the only ones left - and I'm not sure about Blaine and Gerry.

Temira did her magic with her forecast again!  Hood River was cold and rainy....  the call was for Roosevelt and Arlington.  After the usual coffee and breakfast, we packed up and headed out.

Lots of sails rigged!!
The river didn't look very promising as we drove east, but sure enough, it was blowing when we got to Roosevelt.  The weather was cooler and a bit cloudy, but the wind was steady.   Most were out on 4-5m sails.  I was very comfortable on my new 5.6 Hucker and Kode board.
Hot Sail Team Riders Casey and Harold W.
Because it was about the only place on the river that was sailable, and because the winds had been light the last couple of days - the place was packed.  And because the wind was lighter, everyone was out on the water - so it was much more crowded than our previous visits (when it was just too windy for many people to get out on the river.) All of our group was out, and from what I could tell, they were all having fun!  Rene even got to sail his new Board!

The parking lot was jammed!!
I sailed until Three, then packed up, said my goodbye's (to those not on the water), and headed home.  This will be my last blog entry, unless I get a story from one of the other guy's about the last part of the trip.....

While not as windy as some trips, I sailed 7 of 9 days, and two of those on my smallest gear (4.2m Sail and 77 Litre Kode.  Lots of sailing, and wonderful friends!  Great Trip!!!


2012-06-21 Why we like napkins.....

Good news! 

The forecast had gone from almost no wind, to very sailable..  Another Westerly at Bob's Beach - how weird... Brad and I were comparing notes - neither of us remember ever sailing a Westerly wind at Bob's Beach in Stevenson, but this year we have sailed it twice.

After the usual coffee, breakfast and shopping, we all arrived at Bob's Beach around noon.  It was a beautiful day, warm and sunny, but no wind.

We spent the time re-organizing our equipment, and sitting in the sun telling stories.

We enjoyed meeting Chris Freeman (Sales manager for Hot Sails), and Casey Rehrer, a team rider for Hot Sails.  They had been competing in Pistol River, and were touring the Gorge giving demos.  By the end of the Day, both Harold and Cynthia had Hot Sail's tee shirts!

Rene - getting some tips from Casey Rehrer
There was some wind, and it seemed to be building a bit, but the worry was whether or not it would build enough to get sailing.
Harold A, Al, and Rene - watching the water for signs of wind.
About 3:00, I took out my Stand Up Paddle board.  Lots of fun, long paddle upwind, and then a fast downwind back to the beach.  I didn't venture out too far, so stayed in more or less flat water.
When I was done - Cam decided to take it out, and paddled West to the bridge and back.   He came back thinking that Big Air Jim needs to buy a few SUP's for the lake!!!

Cam is now an addicted SUP'er

Al, Big Air, Kent and Gerry watching the water...
Gerry is checking the Hatch Cam - again!
(to see if it blowing more at the Hatchery)
About 4:30, the wind actually did come up.  A rigging frenzie commenced.  At first, it was only the little guy's (Harold), who could get going, but the wind built, and we were all able to get out - although on our big stuff.  (I was on my 6.6 Hucker and Naish Board).

Harold was first out - so he got a Hot Sails Tee Shirt
- even though he was on his Neil Pryde Sail.
Big Air Jim, didn't have his best day - but he was still happy.
Rene - Blasting across the river!
Gerry - Ready to go!
Classic Harold

Harold and Cynthia won the award for most time on the water planing!  Cynthia said she sailed for about 4 hours, (even though the wind only blew for 3 hours).

We sailed until about 7:00, then went to check out Swell City to see if it had been blowing there.  It had, but no better than at Bob's Beach.  We all ended up at Three River's Grill for supper.

The funniest story of the day was when, after eating, the waitress, who had been giving us a hard time all night, went to clear the napkins.  She YANKED Cams Napkin out of his lap, but it had hooked on his ____.  After several strokes, she flushed red, gave up, turned and as Cam squealed like a little girl, she walked straight in into a portable propane heater.  Cynthia saw it all, but it took a while for the rest of us to figure out what had happened.
Great Laugh, and good way to end the evening.

Looks like more sailing tomorrow....


Thursday 21 June 2012

2012-06-20 Blowing Easterly

Easterly Wind!

Usually in the Gorge, if it's going to blow easterly, it is a "Dawn Patrol" session, starting early and ending before noon.  The forecast, however, was to start at 10:00, peaking at noon, and continuing to blow until about 3:00.

Andreas, and Ross, not believing that it was going to blow at all, headed to the coast for a couple of days of stand-up paddle boarding.  They texted to say they were in Newport.

Handre and Lazelle, decided to take a day off from windsurfing to relax, and headed out on a 92km bike ride up to the top of a mountain 3400 foot climb. Trout Lake Loop.  Nice view - but wow.  Lazelle said she was a bit tired afterwards - no kidding!!!

Mike, the smartest of our group missed coffee and breakfast, and headed straight out to Bob's Beach at Stevenson, where he immediately got on the water on his 5.6 sail.

Windsurfing King for a day!
Mike called it right, and make the most miles on the water!
For the rest of us, the morning started as usual at Dog River, and then Bette's.  At this point, half of us headed to Stevenson, while the other half, decided that more shopping was in order....  I hear that Rene, is still negotiating on that Naish board....

I arrived at Bob's Beach around 10:00 and was in the water by 10:30 on my big board and new 5.6 Hucker.  Mike was already sailing, and Harold and Gerry hit the water about the same time as me - followed by Blaine, Brad and Al a short time later.  We had a great hour - fully powered.  It is very interesting sailing an Easterly wind (blowing from the east to the west), with a fast current, also flowing from the east to the west. You have to be pinching hard, (heading up wind), all the time, just to stay even with the beach. 

I came in for a break around 11:30.  While near shore, and talking to Big Jim, who had been watching from shore, and waiting for Big Air Jim to bring the van with his equipment, I pointed out Al, who was struggling a bit, and looked like he would end up walking.....

I headed out again, and noticed that the wind was a bit lighter.  I got planing, but when I got to the other side and jibed, I noticed that I had lost ground to the current.  By the time I got back, I was a few hundred meters down stream.  Not wanting to walk, and sure that I could catch a gust, I headed back out.....  MISTAKE!!!  Now I was down at the rocks.....  I stood on the sandbar for a while and thought "This has to be enough wind for me to get back..." - so I went out again, and lost more ground.....
I ended up at the Island.   The only good part was that Harold and Blaine were even further down...  I had forgotten that you have to subtract the current speed from the wind speed so your effective wind speed is not as strong as it looks when sailing in an Easterly.

At this point, Al looked like a hero, and had the shortest walk of the bunch of us.  Only Mike, Brad and Gerry had made it back.

Blaine and Harold dragged their gear up over the rocks to the railway tracks, where Kent rescued them.   Al and I walked back to the beach....

Big Air Jim finally arrived with Cam and Cynthia, and Big Jim's gear.  Against the advice of Big Air Jim, Cam and Cynthia decided to head out.  They made a valiant effort, but between the easterly wind, the fishing nets, and the current, it just didn't work.  After a short slog out and back, they were forced back to shore.

Cynthia - extra points for effort....
Cam gets double extra points for following Cynthia around..
even though he knew he would never get planing...
Big Jim and I went to a nice Beach Bar and had a burger on the patio.  Some of the guy's went biking, while others went golfing.
Golf Heroes...  Brad, Mike and Blaine
Nice Tie Dye! Wardrobe by WALMART
Golf Team
Back: Brad, Al, Mike, Rene, Blaine, and Kent.
Front: Big Air Jim and Harold.

Brad and Harold - having a "Pop" after a hard game...
All in all - a great day!!!!  Looking forward to more wind tomorrow (we hope...)

Wednesday 20 June 2012

2012-06-19 Chasing the wind,,,,,

Everyone knew that the wind would be a bit lighter today, but everyone also expected to sail.  Temira's Forecast said the best sailing would be east in the afternoon.  Unfortunately, she didn't say how far east.

After coffee (at Dog River), and breakfast at the Hood River Hotel, and then much shopping....  (Rene is looking at a board...) we all agreed that Roosevelt would be the best sail.

We arrived at about noon, and all got great parking spots!  Unfortunately there was no wind to speak of.  It is a beautiful spot, and we enjoyed sitting around talking and reading for awhile.

When the wind didn't appear to be building by 3:00, we decided to head back west.

We stopped at Maryhill State Park, where some folks were out sailing on the water.  The issue with Maryhill is the current, which is flowing incredibly fast.  Decisions, decisions....  Jim, Jim, Andreas, Ross, Gerry, Cam, Cynthia, and I stayed to try our luck - and the rest headed to Rowena to try there.

We all rigged.  Big Jim and I rigged our new 5.6 Huckers, anxious to try our new sails...  Unfortunately, by the time we got to the water, the wind had backed off.  Gerry was the first out.  He managed four reaches and got back to the launch, but the current was extreme, and the wind was very light on the near side of the river (so he wasn't able to even get planing until about half way across).  Even pointing almost straight downwind, he was barely able to make way against the current.  Cam and Big Jim, also tried, but both lost a lot of ground in one reach in and out - ending up down by the campground - half way to the bridge.

When someone fell in the water, they were moving downstream very fast.

The three hero's - the only guys (from our group), to try to sail....
Andreas and Ross headed out on their Kites, and had a good sail, heading down to Rufus and back.
Ross said he had to stop looking at the shore because it was too "Weird".  Andreas lost his board at one point, and had to body drag down wind to get it - which is very different because kiteboards always end up up wind.


The rest of the gang sailed at Rowena in gust conditions.  Fun had by all.

Cynthia - Happy she didn't have to experience the current!
The wind looks light again tomorrow - we will see.  As Cynthia remarked, "this is a wonderful place to be, even if the wind isn't blowing."

Tuesday 19 June 2012

2012-06-18 Windy at Roosevelt - Again

Another Great Day, but a little slower start than yesterday.

I think everyone had some sore muscles, and was a bit tired from the overpowering conditions yesterday.

Of course we started with Dog River, for coffee, and then Bette's for breakfast.  Next there was the shopping.  It seems that not everyone's gear is suited to the really windy conditions.....
Some rented, while others purchased.   I'm not sure of the complete list, but Cynthia was on a beautiful new Naish Board and 3.0m sail,  Gerry purchased an 80L Nash board, and  Handre bought a new sail and boom.  I bought a used board bag (only $50.00 Lou), to protect my Code.

Mike said he was "dialed-in" - all day.
We arrived at Roosevelt around noon.  It was busy, but not as busy as yesterday (Sunday).  The wind was already blowing - and strong.  Basically a repeat of Sunday, but a little lighter - which means the same size sails as yesterday, or a bit less - but more in control.  (Kent does not think it was all that light... he said  "3.8 all day seemed like enough for me").

Cynthia had a blast on her 3.0m Sail.  I was on my 4.2m Hucker and my 77 Liter Acid for the first half of the day, and then went up to my 94 Litre Kode later in the day.  Most were on 3.8 to 4.2 rigs.  Whether it was because we already had a day of sailing high winds, or just the wind was a bit lighter - everyone was pumped, in control (for the most part) - and had a wonderful day.

Big Air Jim - Smokin
The wind readings averaged 32, with the maximum gusts at around 40mph, as opposed to yesterday with the average at 35, and gusts to 48mph.

Classic Andreas - 
- heading into an "aborted" Body Drag!! 

Not looking good.....

The day was not without adventure.........

Jim C, dropped Ross and Andreas off, 8 miles up the river and they did a "Downwinder" back to Roosevelt.  Of course there are no photos or any other evidence, but they claim there were half kilometer wave rides on swell so smooth and long that they lost count of the sail flips.....  I guess it was a great ride - but Ross came back with a big bump on his head....

Harold A, had his rig separate from his board on the far side of the river.  Fortunately he didn't lose one or the other, and while he couldn't put it all together in the water, he was close enough to the far shore to be able to climb out on the rocks, with only minimal damage to his board.  A few of us kept a watch on him, while he was able to walk to a place where he could re-launch.  Within 90 minutes he was back on the water and sailing like nothing had happened.

Rene - helping Harold with a few repairs
 - we wonder how the rocks made out??
Watch out Cam - Cynthia is catching up!
Al had fun on the smallest board he has ever sailed!
At the end of the day, Handre was smokin across the river so fast that Kent was left in the spray. Unfortunately he paid the price, going over the handlebars in a spectacular crash with dire consequences.  In addition to hitting his head (yes he WAS wearing a helmet), he bent his harness, and snapped his boom.  Fortunately, he had such a good day he didn't lose his smile....
Handre - wardrobe malfunction...
Broke his brand new boom - but still smiling...
Handre was so tired he needed Lazelle to help him out of his wetsuit...
Kent was a bit tired at the end of the day
Here he is stretching his back...
Lazelle spent the day hiding from the wind and watching.
She is hiding her wine glass because she didn't want
you to know she had had a drink....
Ted and Andreas - sharing stories at the end of the day.
We were off the water around 5:30, and all tired.  We headed to the Mexican restaurant in Hood River, and then back to the condo...  early to bed again.....

Special Congratulations to Cam and Cynthia
Celebrating their Seven Year Anniversary

Celebrating their 7th Anniversary with a 3.0 Day!

Monday 18 June 2012

2012-06-17 Blown off the water... Almost

Wow!  What a day! 

Temira's website said that in Arlington they were issuing "Dust Warnings".  The forecast was for very windy weather staring late morning in the East.  Roosevelt Beach park was the call.

Of course you can't talk Big Air Jim out of his morning coffee at Dog River.  But when Andreas and Ross came by and said they were heading out, a scramble was initiated like we haven't seen yet on this trip.  No Bette's!  A quick bite at McDonald's, a stop at Safeway to pick up rations for lunch, and then off to Roosevelt Beach Park.  We arrived to a very full parking lot around 10:30am.  The trees were rock'n and it looked very windy.  

It was definitely with some apprehension that we rigged.  Many of us had not been out in high wind since last year.

What a Fathers' day present - 35mph, big swell, warm weather and a grassy rigging area and good friends.  (Not as good as family, but I guess we will make due.) 

Cam - just a little over powered...
Wind report - average 35mph, gusts to 48mph, with lulls at 30mph
Pretty steady from noon to 5pm.
Most of us were on 4.2 sails or smaller.  Big Air Jim tried his 4.6, but quickly realized his error and came back to rig down.  In the afternoon I was sailing my 77 litre Acid, which is a very small board for me - one that I only use a few times a year at most (none last year).  Even then, I was over powered most of the time....still - lots of fun.
Big Air Jim - ready for take-off
Cam - ready to Jibe
Andreas - showing off - as usual...
We're not sure what is going on here....
either a wardrobe failure, or he is really happy going into this jibe!

(We're guessing a wardrobe failure...)
Mike was having fun!
Gerry - coming back to the beach for a well earned rest...
Big Air Jim - had a good day (as usual!)
The boys - having lunch and watching the action....
Brad - drying off his sail on Blaine's shirt...
Cynthia got to sail with her Dad on Fathers' Day which was really special.
She then showed him up, by being the last one of our group on the water!!!
When we got back to town, we met up with Al, who sails at Cooking Lake.  He flew in today and will be staying and sailing with us as well - so now we are 18!  Good thing we have three condo's.

For some strange reason, everyone was quite tired when we got back to the Condo - so early to bed.  Looking forward to more wind Monday!